Child care Park Ridge:  Fun and education combined together

Child care Park Ridge:  Fun and education combined together

Early childhood education marks the cognitive and social development of a child from the ages of 0 to 5. It’s a time of active growth when the child develops physically with enhanced mental capabilities.

The human brain is complex. It requires positive experiences to develop. Children who attend childcare in Park Ridge are exposed to different situations which increase positive interactions with their caregivers and peers. It has a positive impact on their brain development.

There are three core principles for nurturing children’s growth. First, fostering strong, responsive bonds between children and caregivers is essential. Second, providing opportunities for children to practice and improve essential life skills is crucial. Lastly, reducing stress levels in children’s lives by creating calm and supportive environments is vital.

Brain building activities through play

For children under the age of 2, a playful interaction with adults develops their brain architecture. It has a profound impact on the foundations of lifelong health. It enhances resilience and patience.

When children are indulged in playful activities, they strengthen important function skills which help them through their lives. It enhances their focus, their attention and builds up their working memory. It develops basic self-control.

In a series of handouts developed with support from the Lego foundation, it is suggested that games and play-based activities are designed to engage children. These enable children to become independent as they transition from play school to kindergarten.

Play based activities for children at childcare Park Ridge

  • Play is important for babies because it develops their brain architecture playful interaction with adults enable children to develop they’re working memory. When playing with babies, it’s necessary to follow their lead. See that children do not get tired during play. Babies love peekaboo games. It challenges them to recognize the person who is hiding from them. You can play the game by letting the baby wait for you to reveal your face. You can put the baby on the knees and bounce them gently up and down singing nursery rhymes.
  •  Older babies love to sit on the edge of a couch and be lifted up high. Children learn when parents make simple gestures in front of them. They can wave their hand or stick their tongue out. Children will copy adults just by watching them. They often wait for their turn to imitate their parents. When children sometimes make a gesture it’s important that parents should copy it back.
  •  Toddlers love to pretend play. They may carry out adult routines and behaviors that they have seen at home. They can work as chefs, teachers, or even act like their mom and dad at home. Children these ages should indulge in chores. The chores should be playful. They can be given simple tasks like sweeping or putting away their toys. These chores can be made more interesting while playing a series of nursery rhymes or music that the child likes.
  •  Older children of around three years, can participate in songs. However, they should be reminded how to play the game teachers can sing songs with movements which is necessary for their physical activity the songs could be any popular nursery rhyme in any language the child is comfortable.

Keeping children engaged in these activities has build their confidence and enables them to enjoy and make the most of their time spent at Park Ridge’s quality childcare.

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