Top reasons for sending your child to a Childcare Centre Crestmead

Top reasons for sending your child to a Childcare Centre Crestmead

Many mums in Crestmead don’t find it viable financially to stay at home to care for their children. The best possible life is what mums want for their children and the ever-rising standard of living means going back to work.

While going back to work is seen as a necessity, sending a child to a childcare centre, Crestmead while at work is the smartest decision. For some financially-stable mums that can stay at home to care for their kids, opting for childcare centres sees little value.

Yet, many early childhood education studies have found the huge significance of childcare centres for both mums and children. Here’s why:

Better outcomes for the children

Many child health and human development studies have reached the conclusion that while there is no great difference between children cared for at home than those who were sent to childcare centres, better outcomes were seen in children attending high-quality childcare than those with lower-quality settings.

The emerging conclusions from these studies prove that letting a child attend a high-quality childcare centre does not produce a marked outcome from one being cared for at home. Simply put, a high-quality childcare centre provides the same great outcome for children as that of being cared for at home.

Provide a quality setting for children

“Child-proofing” home is often the top priority of parents for their children. Yet, the home is not purposely built to cater to children alone. The advantage good quality childcare centres do is to provide a setting that is specifically designed for children.

The integration of features in quality childcare centres such as suitable flooring to prevent slips and falls, doors that don’t slam shut, and out-of-reach windows ensure the safety of children at all times.

The risk of accidents happening to the little people while attending the centre is further minimised with accessible hand basins and toilets and zero exposure to kitchens. This type of safe setting in high-quality childcare centres allows children to move freely without the risk of getting hurt.

Meet the state’s standard of early childhood education

High-quality childcare centres are assessed, regulated, and registered by the state. The centres’ performances are measured by the state to include:

  • Physical environment
  • Education practice and programme
  • Relationships with children
  • Health and safety
  • High-qualified staff

Earning a high score in these key areas is a sign of the high standards of a childcare centre. This ensures that positive and holistic experiences are provided by childcare to all children under their care.

A wide variety of activities

A local child care centre in Crestmead is seen as good and well-equipped when it offers a wide range of varied activities. The development of children is enhanced when they are exposed to a wide variety of activities. The daily schedule of good childcare should show stimulating activities such as messy plays that are not typical pastimes in the home. This includes:

  • Play dough
  • Crafting
  • Water play
  • Painting

Childcare centres and children are not created equal. It means that parents should look for childcare that works for their child. While childcare centres, no matter how high-quality it is, cannot match mum’s care, they can offer quality alternatives to make a child thrive.

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