Education over the years

Education over the years

Education has been an integral part of human life since the beginning of time. Over the past few decades, education has evolved as per the needs of the changing times and technological development. Some keys areas in which education has changed over the years are listed below.



  1. Communication– The communication between teachers and students has been strengthened the years passed and technology developed. Email, telephones and mobile phones made communication faster and easier. This has made communication more open and regular. News bulletins on websites of educational institutions, online portals, and social media has also strengthened the communication between teachers and parents, making education more transparent.
  2. Technology– Writing on black boards and copying the same in a notebook is a thing of the past today. Technology has taken over this and replaced the same with e-classrooms, videos and interactive boards. Teaching is now being done using YouTube videos, activities on electronic devices and digital sketching. Usage of technology in classroom has shown signs of improvement in mental disorders such as dyslexia.
  3. Broader spectrum of subjects– Several subjects have come and gone through all the centuries that education has been around. However, when comparing the present to the past, newer subjects have been introduced in educational institutions making the learning more deep and effective in one particular area. The development all around the globe also gave birth to several contemporary topics, which are highly popular amongst young adults today.
  4. Independence in learning– In today’s scenario of education, individuality is celebrated and students are encouraged to be more independent in their learning. Unlike the past, where boys and girls have been taught different subjects, such as boys being taught woodwork and home economics and girls being taught home science; today every individual student has the right to choose what he/she wants to study. Mental disorders such as dyslexia, ADHD, autism, milestone-delay have been recognized and special schools have been set up in order to cater to the needs of students affected by these disorders.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  5. Common Curriculum– Each country’s educational ministry has a specialized team for deciding a common curriculum for that particular country. This has ensured that students from all parts of the country receive the same quality of education and are given a fair chance at learning and developing academically. These teams have also introduced common examinations at certain grades which determine the future. The score that the students earn in these examinations acts as an important criteria for different colleges and universities to give admission.
  6. Teaching assistants and support staff– Educational institutions have made the job of a teacher easier by appointing teaching assistants for different classes who can help the teachers with their job and the students with doubts and extra information.
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